27th January - 2nd February 2019
We are still in the desert. It's getting cold enough for a couple of layers. And Caleb has the man flu.

Our last couple of days in Phoenix were spent relaxing and catching up with Daryl and Leah while hubby recuperates and tries to fend off a wicked cough. Little man Harry kept him entertained as did a large sectional couch, flat screen TV and Red Dead Redemption 2. I was able to get him outside the house in small doses but our friends didn't seem to mind the downtime at home and the boys definitely didn't mind channeling their youth and playing the playstation for hours on end. As with our time with friends in Louisiana it was so great seeing friendly faces and having the comforts of home for a short time.

But there is no rest for the wicked! We packed the bags back into the car and we were off. Before we reached our next planned destination of Viva Las Vegas, we decided to make an over night stop in the jaw dropping Monument Valley. This place is unparalleled in natural beauty. We stayed at the View Hotel run by the local native tribe and gives you some spectacular views of the entire park. There are roads through the park which we drove to view different monuments and land marks that make this place so famous.As we watched the sun go down, along with the temperature we decided to call it a night.

As we left the hotel, that straddles the Utah & Arizona border, we drove about 20kms into Utah just to find the iconic spot from the Forrest Gump movie. We found it and it was totally worth the drive and straddling the middle of the road to get the perfect shot! Sadly Caleb lost his Pop just before we got to the Valley and in talking with his mum, she reminded him of his great love for the old John Wayne movies, especially the ones based in Monument Valley. Being able to come here less than a week of losing such a great man was Caleb's way of being able to say goodbye to him without being able to be home with the rest of the family. This one is for you Pop Craine.

As we watched the magnificent silhouettes of Monument Valley fade in the rear vision mirror we headed north west through the Virgin River Gorge towards the bright lights of Las Vegas. Even though Caleb was still down and out with the man flu no one could wipe the smile off his face as he was back to his happy place. We had our own apartment for the next 10 days and I was excited to finally have my own kitchen, do the washing and have the facilities of a great resort. Caleb set off to the tables the first change he got and I was more than happy to stay 'home'. While he was dusting off his poker skills, I relished in the mundane tasks of grocery shopping. I know I'm going to regret saying that when we eventually head home! The resort has a cinema, gym and pools with hot tubs. I'm set.
As we settled in and wrapped up week 4 we have a busy week 5 planned as we soak up the city lights!
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