Well we make it across the water from Macau and arrive at the gorgeous InterContinental Hotel in Kowloon in a room with a full harbor view. Just stunning! We receive a bottle of champagne and a fruit bowl on arrival just to cap it off. If only our stay was a happy one.

The last time I was in Kowloon was about 8 years so with the medication Caleb got from the Macau hospital we were hoping he'd be right after another day of rest so I head out for a walk and reacquaint myself with the downtown Kowloon area. Soon enough I'm back at the hotel with my sick patient, dripping with sweat and enjoying the air conditioning.
At about 3am hubby wakes me up saying he's coughing up blood. This was the beginning of the end of our Hong Kong holiday. We get in a taxi and head to St Teresa's private hospital where he is again diagnosed with Infulenza A and after a chest xray we are given more medication and sent back to the hotel. Needless to say day 2 of our stay is a write off.
Fast forward 2 days and Caleb is not any better. In the afternoon he goes down hill fast and is unable to breathe so I call for an ambulance and this time we are whisked away to Queen Elizabeth hospital and he is admitted for the night. Here they perform test after test to find out what's wrong to no quick avail. The following morning I arrive back at the hospital and Caleb's first words to me are - get me out of here.
The ward he is in is called general ward - mens. The room has about 15 men cramped in and none of them are under the age of 70.There is no space between the beds to sit so it's standing room only. There are no toilets on the floor so all the men are in diapers which are changed in the room with the curtains closed. That plus more is the reason he wants out and I get straight on the phone with our insurance to make it happen. The funny thing is when they called the hospital the night before to check on him the hospital couldn't find any record of him being admitted. This conversation marks the beginning of an epic and tiresome couple of days liasing with our travel insurance to get him the proper care he deserves.
We discharge ourselves with the consent of our insurance company and head back to the hotel for a much needed shower and some rest before heading back to St Teresa's hospital to readmit for further treatment. On arrival at St Teresa's hospital starts a ridiculous 5 hour wait, multiple calls to our insurance company and when it looks like he's being admitted at 10pm at night, the paperwork isn't accepted so Caleb makes the call to go back to the hotel for the night not before giving it to the insurance company first.

He is treated for Influenza A, bronchitis and viral pneumonia over the next 5 days. Fun times! The level of care he gets here is exactly what is needed and after 5 bags of saline and countless number of drugs later I am able to bring him back to the hotel for good.
During all of this we were booked to head to China for an 8 day tour. Unfortunately we have had to cancel that but it means we are headed off to Ireland a few days earlier than planned. All that matters is that he is ok and better to continue on this epic honeymoon we have painstakingly planned. We finally cracked that champange on our last night too and boy did I cherish every sip!
Hong Kong though I know you have much to offer, this time round just hasn't been an excellent adventure.